,, Fénnyel írt képek, létük varázslat, mert bennük egy pillanatba bezárt pillanat van,,
„Pictures written with light, their existence is magic, because there is a moment closed in them”
Visszajelzések - Feedback
Csodás a képek amit megrendeltem, pont olyan jól mutat ahogyan elképzeltem. Jó érzés tudni, hogy egy limitáld művészi pédányból egy darab az én lakásom disze
The pictures I ordered are just as good as I imagined. It feels good to know that a piece of limited art artwork is the decoration of my apartment
The pictures I ordered are just as good as I imagined. It feels good to know that a piece of limited art artwork is the decoration of my apartment

Nagyon készültem a fotózásra és igazán szuper fotók készültek. Profi csapat és pompás műterem.
I was very prepared for the photo shoot and I took some really great photos. Professional team and gorgeous studio.
I was very prepared for the photo shoot and I took some really great photos. Professional team and gorgeous studio.

Köszönjük a csodás esküvői fotókat. Imádjuk nézegetni őket. Nagyon hálásak vagyunk érte!
Thank you for the wonderful wedding photos. We love watching them. We are very grateful for it.
Thank you for the wonderful wedding photos. We love watching them. We are very grateful for it.
